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Stedger is the best and fastest way to grow your eCommerce store!
Start growing your eCommerce business today!
Stedger simplifies the process of connecting with suppliers, publishing products, and placing orders.
Start using Stedger within a few minutes!
If you want to modify the integration, you can use our API.
Gain access to thousands of products from our supplier network or suppliers you invite to Stedger.
Sell thousands of products in no time – and all order procurement is automatically taken care of by the suppliers and Stedger’s automation software.
We service customers in more than 13 countries across Europe, helping them expand and profit with their eCommerce business.
We’re not afraid to claim that Stedger is the ultimate way to work with all of your suppliers in a scalable and blazingly fast way.
We promise to do our best in your pursuit of growth and profit. We understand your business and are always ready to help.
Start your 14 day free trial today.
Stedger is the best and fastest way to grow your eCommerce store!
We know exactly what items belong to what supplier. Therefore we can split the orders and ignore order lines that are not relevant for the supplier.
Some eCommerce platforms support multiple locations which allows us to ignore order lines that are already in stock.
You can choose what order lines should be forwarded and in what quantity. Or completely remove order lines. This only works if auto-forwarding of orders is disabled.
If the supplier has integrated their order management system or shop to Stedger, it will be transferred to that system per their requirements.
If not, they can fulfill the orders in Stedger and insert T&T manually.
Nothing – just enjoy your growth and extra time!
Stedger handles most standard fields and we’re expanding our support for more customized setups as well.
We’ve built modules that enable us to efficiently work with most data and image formats. Allowing us to onboard suppliers at a fast pace and ensure data quality.
We support API, CSV, Excel, JSON, XML and more.
Suppliers need to be onboarded. Simply refer them to us and we will help them get started!
If they’re already on Stedger, they can simply invite you to start sharing products and accepting orders.
It depends on the supplier integration. In some instances it’s instant, in others once a day.
Yes, some fields are optional. For instance you can choose if you want to publish a product to your store with the recommended retail price, but not to update it going forward.